M Media launches COVID-19 API

In our bid to do our part, we’ve created a free public API for others to build apps upon. The API returns live cases and historical data. To date, our API has served over 2 million requests.

The API has endpoints to handle historical as well as near realtime data (updated once every hour). The average API response time is between 70 and 250 ms but may take up to 3 seconds, depending if the request is in the cache or not.

We’ve also made a simple webpage that uses the API, available here: https://mmediagroup.fr/covid-19.

What the API is for

The API is intended for developers, machines, programs, and other websites to be able to quickly fetch up to date information on the COVID-19 epidemic.

It can be used to build tools and systems that are used for data analysis all the way to websites that act as public dashboards and charts.

Using the API

For up to date information on endpoints and API usage, check our GitHub: github.com/M-Media-Group/Covid-19-API

M Media

If you’re a developer, you can use the API right now. Please be nice to us and cache the data locally so we don’t pay too much :)!

API base:

Live cases data

GET /cases

Optional query parameters

  • country
    • Any country name (case sensitive)

Example request:
GET /cases?country=France

Historical cases data

GET /history

Required query parameters

  • status
    • Confirmed
    • Deaths
    • Recovered (Depreciated on 25/03/2020)

Optional query parameters

  • country
    • Any country name (case sensitive)

Example request:
GET /history?country=France&status=Confirmed


No authorisation is required to fetch data from the API.

Data sources

Historical data: https://github.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19

Realtime data: https://opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/bbb2e4f589ba40d692fab712ae37b9ac_1.csv

Population data:

Contributing to the API

If you’re a developer and would like to contribute to the development of this API, you can check out the Github repo here: https://github.com/M-Media-Group/Covid-19-API

Donate to the API

This API has now been used over 2 million times, and that racks up in server costs. If you’d like to help out, please consider donating/sponsoring us!