passes 1,000 markers, our free, open-source, and anonymous mapping platform, now boasts over 1000 markers spread around nearly 300 maps. The platform was developed to allow anyone to safely and quickly create maps and markers for any purpose, and to date has seen widespread usage in protests, personal projects, and general community information sharing. The built in… continue reading

M Media launches WordPress plugin

M Media has launched a WordPress plugin for our open-source mapping service, The plugin lets people create maps with custom markers that they can place on their websites. Leaving the maps unlocked allows even unlogged-in website visitors to contribute to your map – but you can also lock it to prevent new markers being… continue reading

Le Country Store launches “Coffee Hub” with Cartes

Le Country Store, a west-coast style coffee shop in the heart of Nice, France, has started using a project launched by M Media earlier this year: lets anyone create maps for anything, and our customer Le Country Store uses to allow their customers to mark their favourite coffee shops in the world.… continue reading used during Minneapolis protests, a project founded, built, and managed by M Media, has been used during the Minneapolis protests by people on the ground reporting dangerous incidents in real-time. Over 2 days, 135 events have been reported, including incidents of fires, looting, mob gatherings, and teargas deployments. In addition, another 30 private maps were created for either… continue reading

M Media updates Incident Report and rebrands it to Cartes

Re-designed business logic Initially, Incident Tracker (which was briefly Incident Report) was one map meant for Human Rights Defenders and activists to use during protests. We’ve updated the business logic to support a nearly indefinite amount of maps with enhanced privacy controls. We’ve also added the ability for anonymous users to create maps and markers.… continue reading