Verify your email address

If you change your primary email address on M Media you will need to verify it again. Follow the steps below to verify your email address and get back onto the M Media website.

Sometimes we may also manually send you an email asking to verify your email. The steps to resolve this are the same.

Verify your email

Time needed: 1 minute

If you need to verify your email address on M Media, you can do so following these steps.

  1. Check your email for an email from M Media

    We send a link to the email address you are trying to verify.

  2. Click the verification link

Common questions

The link doesn’t work. Now what?

If the link doesn’t work, you can always log in to M Media and follow the steps to send yourself another link.

Why do I need to verify my email?

You receive very important notifications on your email address, so we have to make sure that we’ve established positive communication with that email.

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