Share files with M Media

Sharing and uploading files to M Media is easy and beneficial for you. It centralises all documents related to M Media work in one place, and our systems auto-optimise files like images so they are ready for digital and offline marketing needs.

Share a file

Time needed: 1 minute

You can share any amount of pictures, videos, and other files with M Media following the steps below.

  1. Log in to M Media

    First, log in to your account on our main website.

  2. In the main menu, click on “Share files”

    Alternatively, click this link. This will take you to the file uploader.

  3. Select a file

    Alternatively, click on “Upload via a URL” and type in the link to the file you want to upload.

  4. Give a descriptive title to your file

    Descriptive titles help everyone find files faster and organise them better.

  5. Upload the file

    Press “Upload” to upload the file and share it with M Media.

Common questions

What types of files can I upload?

You can upload and share any file that legally belongs to you and does not break any laws. Please note that some project contracts may specify the file types we need.

What should I call my file?

Be as descriptive as possible when writing your file name. The name should at least describe what the file contains.

What does “Your file is private by default” mean?

Each URL, or link, is generated for your file and is only valid for 5 minutes. That means that it’s impossible for someone to access your file without having the uniquely generated URL from M Media. Some files will be made public automatically: for example when they are shared on one of your websites.

You can access your private and public files at anytime from the M Media website.

How can I get a link to my file that I can share?

To get a long lived URL for your file, contact us.

Why would I upload a file via the website instead of emailing it in, for example?

Uploading via the website makes sure that your file is secure, can be used for your marketing needs, and automatically configures the file to its best possible standard, making it available both to you and to M Media instantly.

If you want to email us files and you are an M Media customer, you can send files to and we will upload them automatically. You can only send one file per email and you must send it from the same email address you use to log in to M Media. We are currently testing this feature.

Where can I see my files?

You can see all your files on your profile.

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