
M Media launches financing options

We’ve launched new financing options to make our services more accessible to even more people.

For the start, we are offering financing options for web development contracts. You can opt in for a 6 month interest free financing option, or for a longer, 11 month 5% interest based financing option.

The financing options available to customers are listed on the pricing page on our main website.

Many customers have already benefited or are currently benefiting from these financing options already. We’ve rolled them out in March during the start of the Coronavirus pandemic to our existing customers, and now we’re offering these plans to everyone.

Common questions

What services and products qualify for financing options?

Currently we’re offering 6 month and 11 month financing options only for our web development service.

Can I switch between financing options while a contract is underway?

It depends, but generally yes. Any changes to financing options won’t be applied retroactively; they’ll only be in effect from the day of the change. Contact us for more info.

How much do your financing options cost?

Some of the financing options are interest free while others are at 5%. Costs are available on the pricing page on our main website.

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